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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Samuel Jackson Has A Plan To Creep Into 'Star Wars 7'

1:44 AM
Samuel Jackson Has A Plan To Creep Into 'Star Wars 7'

Even though his character died, the actor figures he's due for a ghostly cameo.
By Kevin P. Sullivan, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Samuel L. Jackson
Photo: MTV News

Back in October, when Disney finalized its acquisition of Lucasfilm and announced a seventh "Star Wars" film, you better believe every actor who ever stepped foot in a galaxy far, far away got his or her agent on the phone.

But that would be only half the battle. If the new "Star Wars" trilogy moved forward as everyone assumed it would — taking place after the events of "Return of the Jedi" — that left many of the available prequels' actors way back in the past. Your chances of showing up in the new films grew even slimmer if your character happened to die in "Episode III," but none of that bothers Samuel L. Jackson.

When MTV News' Josh Horowitz sat down with the Academy Award-nominated actor during the press day for "Django Unchained," Jackson laid out his vision for how a new set of "Star Wars" films might play out.

"They can do all kinds of stuff, but I would think that when they start talking about doing 'VII, VIII, and IX,' they're not talking about spinning off and going backwards," Jackson said about the new trilogy, which is scheduled to kick off in 2015. "They're actually talking about going somewhere."

Typically, that would mean Jackson's very deceased character Mace Windu would have a hard time making a comeback after missing episodes IV, V, and VI, but this is "Star Wars." Any Jedi can come back for a ghostly cameo, and that's what Jackson has his fingers crossed for.

"I think the smart thing would be to introduce some familiar characters along with whatever new characters they want to bring into the franchise," he said. "If nothing else, I think that Mace Windu could be an Obi-Wan Kenobi-type hologram."

At the end of the day, however, Jackson just seems happy that there will be further adventures with Han, Luke and Leia.

"Kinda dope."

Give us your suggestions for Mace Windu's resurrection in the comments!


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